What are dental crowns?
Crowns are fixed implants that are placed directly on the damaged tooth to restore its aesthetic, masticatory and occlusal function. It’s ideal for restoring chipped, stained, or badly damaged teeth, as the natural tooth is used as a support for the prosthesis.
To understand how crowns works, it is important to know the tooth structure. A tooth is divided into three major areas: crown, neck, and root. The root is the portion of the tooth that is inserted into the jawbone, while the neck is the narrow part of the tooth usually covered by the gums and the dental crown is the visible part of the tooth.
When the root becomes inflamed or infected and it is not possible to do a root canal treatment it will be necessary to remove the piece and place a dental implant. If the crown is the affected area, it can be restored with resins. But if the damage is too extensive or deep, then the solution is to place a crown.
It functions as a cap that will cover the structure of the tooth and restore its natural appearance.